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Showing posts from April, 2014

Mission statement: Everything is plundered

Taste: champagne punch and pistachios Sight: the black ears of the shadow wolf dog; the purple flower with the velvet cone and pointed petals springs wide in early spring   Sound: your mother sobbing; rain patters down on the roof Touch: spring rain showers   Smell: woodsmoke; caramel coffee; waffle sugar cone coffee; hamburger-stale chemicals and stagnant breath Extra: " Everything is plundered, betrayed, sold,  Death's great black wing scrapes the air, Misery gnaws to the bone. Why then do we not despair? By day, from the surrounding woods, cherries blow summer into town; at night the deep transparent skies glitter with new galaxies." — Anna Akhmatova Grateful for: spring

Fox flowers, terseness and ugliness observed

Taste: almonds Sight: fox eyes; The Ghosts in Our Machine ; cherry blossoms; bumblebee Sound: trickling Touch: spring air Smell: cherry blossoms; mown grass; chocolate; pipe smoke Extra: iterate - the many years it takes to write a short story Grateful for: flowers