Taste: sugared milk Touch: water drops on hair Smell: patchouli on my husband's hair; sweet kukui oil in the shower Sight: the chocolate syrup color of black bean soup; the nervous trembling hands of an interviewee Sound: the onomatopoeia - sursurrus - a whispering or rustling sound Extra: "He talked much about pride of country and love of parentland, but little about shifgrethor, personal pride or prestige...He wanted his hearers to be frightened and angry. His themes were not pride and love at all, though he used the words perpetually; as he used them they meant self-praise and hate." p 100-101 "And I wondered, not for the first time, what patriotism is, what the love of country truly consists of, how that yearning loyalty that had shaken my friend's voice arises: and how so real a love can become, too often so foolish and vile a bigotry. Where does it go wrong?" p263-264 Ursula K. Le Guin, The Left Hand of Darkness
A reader, writer and thinker's journal.