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Showing posts from January, 2024

Sensorium: Seattle performers and Bohemia

Taste: anise; hot lavender apple cider Sound: mysterioso; Na zdravi!; Chopin’s nocturne’s  Smell: bubblegum, anise  Sight: sparkles-green, gold, silver  Touch: hot; an overhead heater in a large space blasting down  Intellect, ideas, and dreams: earnestness; being seen; Bohemia; manifesting brandy snifters at The Alabaster Owl, a witchy vintage shop

Sensorium: Sam and Iterations of Apples

Taste: Cosmic Crisp apples; auntie made sweet apple pie; a poached egg made of plants. Hollandaise sauce. Paprika.    Sound: Daniel Deronda; cat purring Smell: The Lamp Post candle -sugary forest Sight: fog, monovision, evergreen trees; yellow sauce and red spots; a silky hen; thick rain Touch: leash wrapped; thick rain; cat on lap soft purr and rumbling Intellect, ideas, and dreams: in a bronze lavish apartment with no windows; deformed toes; narrow walk ways Ancona; Many mornings are not this one, but this one is.  Grateful for: Sam