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Showing posts from May, 2023

Good morning habitat! My Home is My Castle-Oracle; #27 Work with the greatest defilements first

Taste: black beans and white rice; cumin  Sound: a candle flame flickering  Smell: vanilla cream  Sight: two collared doves; bees in the rhododendron bushes and purple flowers; the small hawk who lives in the neighborhood; the crow; the three squirrels; Moundlily Yucca, Garden Strawberry, Creeping Buttercup, Naples Garlic, Germander Speedwell Touch: Lily’s chest, Sam’s shoulder; being hugged  Intellect, ideas, and dreams: interrupting a battle, a heart surgery - only two years to live; “Two-legged humans are not the only humans.” —Joy Harjo; the Golden Shovel poem  Grateful for: the backyard

Good morning, habitat! Nectar of the Lotus-Kuan Yin; #27 Work with the greatest defilements first

Taste: tomato  Sound: lutes  Smell: plumeria  Sight: an open field, an open sky  Touch: fluffy  Intellect, ideas, and dreams:    “Remember the plants, trees, animal life who all have their/tribes, their families, their histories, too. Talk to them. /Listen to them. They are alive poems.” -- Remember, Joy Harjo This poem is traveling to Jupiter’s astroid field via NASA’s Lucy space probe, launched Oct. 2021.; “Self-liberate even the antidote.”  Grateful for: dreams