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Showing posts from May, 2022

Day 72: Blogging Middlemarch

Taste: walnut potica; dandelion greens Sight: neon pink clouds Sound: baying Touch: holding Kiwi, feathers Smell: raisin wine Quotable: "The spiritual kind of rescue was a genuine need with him."; "However!— i's no use being wise for other people." Extra: running through the mall crying, "Mama!" Grateful for: Sam A jolt of joy: dogs in yellow raincoats

Day 71: Blogging Middlemarch

Taste: tahini Sight: dream of a quilt planting, a small patch; transparent faintly-tinted muslin Sound: cant; deep contralto, resigned astonishment; small compassionate mewings; clanking and rattling on the right hand side Touch: handcuffs; bare feet on grass Smell: shampoo Quotable: "it could turn into emerald worlds" Grateful for: words

Day 70: Blogging Middlemarch

Taste: a glass of water, a sip Sight: tiny shocked kittens Sound: espouse her solitude; "She speaks in such plain words, and a voice like music."; oratorio; her breath, she snores, her snoozles Touch: shaking Smell: natural gas Extra: dolphins and ducks; things would become precious; relief Grateful for: accomplished, credentialed, certified A jolt of joy: Done!