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Showing posts from March, 2022

Day 60: Blogging Middlemarch

Taste: cold sweet potato Sight: doe-eyed Sound: absinthe incense Smell: anise incense Touch: cold chilled March rains; mush Quotable:  "He distrusted her affection; and what loneliness is more lonely than distrust?" "a stinging rejoinder" Extra: wanting to garden, wanting to play cello; New Fever Hospital A jolt of joy: dogs jumping Grateful for: dogs at play

Day 59: Blogging Middlemarch

Taste: sour tongue; sourdough Sight: "Bats! Bats in trees! Hundreds!" — Bestiary Dark, Marianne Boruch Sound: a piano bursting into roulades Smell: hyacinths Touch: pampas grass Quotable: "Dear ones, let's anoint this earth with dance!" — Hafiz "...but prejudices, like odorous bodies, have a double existence both solid and subtle—solid as pyramids, subtle as the twentieth echo of an echo, or as the memory of hyacinths which once scented the darkness." — Middlemarch, George Eliot "Swamp monster, pukwdgie,/lover of muddied things." — After We Swan Dive on Honey Island, Mel Ruth  "How happy you must be to know things that you feel sure will do great good!" — Dorothea Brooke, Middlemarch, George Eliot  Extra: someone else's vivid dream A jolt of joy: a sensory garden Grateful for: dreams

Day 57: Blogging Middlemarch

Taste: lettuce Sight : galahs; somber evergreens; Triton Snail - charonia tritonus; crown-of-thorns starfish Sound: lick Smell: lofty limes Touch: lick, shrink Quotable: "a tendency to immoderate attachment"; sciolism Extra: riding a bus with a friend taking them for a job interview, an old house with new walls and new people within, we leave when they want to go to the mall and they cry; betrayed any anxiety, shrank from pity; the autumnal ripeness of his authorship A jolt of joy: a new word, a natural colors, a bright purple, a starfish, a crocus Grateful for: haunting, long-remembered words

Day 56: Blogging Middlemarch

Taste : bitter black coffee Sight: a show of fireworks Sound: full rumbling tone Smell: medicated shampoo; stinging arthritis cream Touch: sleek, neat, cool Quotable: "You must have it inside you that your plan is right, and that plan you must follow." "The soul of man, when it gets fairly rotten, will bear you all sorts of poisonous toad-stools, and no eye can see when came the seed thereof." "Honour bright!" Extra: air of a swaggerer A jolt of joy : prancing, whirling, dancing Grateful for: frogs