Taste: spicy dirty chai Sight : swiftly moving clouds; still, white; flashes of golden light; black draperies shivering in the wind Touch: May morning, "May was not always warm and sunny..."; a chill wind Sound: crisp snow and ice; bird song on New Years' Day, chirping; charging across the lawn to bark at the fireworks Smell: snowfall Quotable: "We are all of us imaginative in some form or other, for images are the brood of desire..." "We move within the snow-chromed world: Like-animal. Like-deer. An alphabet. Along a street white as lamplight into the winter, walking—: like language, a new text. I touch her with the eyes of my skin." — Ink-Light, Postcolonial Love Poem, Natalie Diaz Extra: spring funerals A jolt of joy: bird song Grateful for: Sam, Lily, Tish, Mary Shelley; warmth