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Showing posts from May, 2021

Sensorium Sunday: Human Sheepherding and Other Fabulous Days

Taste: Miyoko’s Black Ash, umami  Sound: catchy pop music  Smell: nooch, ferment  Sight: little yellow flowers; steam rising through sunlight, wispy particles; emaciated hips  Touch: soft fur, just bathed; dead bird head pulled from the jaws of a small dog—slimy, crunchy  Extra: standing her ground  A jolt of joy: coming home  Grateful for: walks with Sam

Sensorium Tuesday: A Day at the Dog Park with Tuesday

Taste:  mango, lime, tanjin Sound:  Jean Donaldson's voice; a disturbed rumbly, bubbly stomach Smell:  violet and sea mist; possum feces Sight:  Sam in regency attire; a bonnet; a bright yellow wall Touch:  silky fur; thick fur Extra:  a fallow period A jolt of joy : sparkly items: sequins and glitter Grateful for: spring

Sensorium Sunday: Two Dogs on Lap

Taste:  deep blackberry dungeon Sound: shrieking—like a hawk came down upon her; utter frustration, panting, crying; steady breathing, soft, hard, content, sighing breaths Smell: lilac  Sight: lilacs through the window early morning; orange sweet potato; cherry blossoms-petals, stamens  Touch:  petals; their weight, less than 30 pounds Extra: a dream of bathing in a deep bathtub of wild picked herbs and flowers—marigold color, chrysanthemum, a purple with an old woman to absorb her wisdom in a dark cave (but not wild picked?)  A jolt of joy: ear wagging, dancing  Grateful for: Sunday mornings