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Showing posts from November, 2019

2019 Gratitude Poem: Seasons of Gratitude

Winter  At the dog park, she bows in play while I recite climate poetry, And ask, "Can a book offer healing?" Snowplows bury the autumn leaves beneath the comforting weight of a cat. Lord Edward's dancing feet stay dry like salt, and peace sparkles. A comfort of volunteers make music, comics, and hot food. *Austen says she: “...did not think he deserved the compliment of rational opposition.” Where can we travel in pajamas these long pajama days, my love? Spring  At the dog park, I recite climate poetry and she bows in play. The book offers the comforting weight of a cat. Autumn travels home with courageous and loving people. Lord Edward completes the story and dances peace. A tenacity of volunteers play with cat toys, tails, and 'tizers. Austen says: “And books!...she would buy them all over and over again." Here we celebrate our vegan-versary, a vegan decade, too. Summer  At the dog park, she moves like climate poetry and I play bow. T...

Sensorium Tuesday: Coffin Trees

Taste: pumpkin pie spice Sound: meowing Smell: pine Sight: mist in frizzled tree leaves; peering into a dark room Touch: the waxy outer banana peel Extra: In which, Alyssa Edwards was an animal activist and I was bawling over lost lives;  "Consolation in words and deeds. We human beings need both of these." — José Saramago,  The Notebook  "Alberto da Costa e Silva said that we are all libraries, because we keep what we read inside us like the best parts of ourselves."  — José Saramago, The Notebook  Grateful for: friends

Sensorium Tuesday: 21 Different Senses

Taste: tomatoes and corn Sound: Annie Lennox Smell: incense Sight: yellow, golden leaves; lighting candles; a room full of billowing pine-scented smoke Touch:  crunching and shuffling through leaves Extra: a dream in which you are most irritating to every one around you and trying to have conversations to discern the reason and waking to think it likely is just a dream with little basis Grateful for: travels