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Showing posts from September, 2018

Sensorium Monday: A very emotional lobster

Taste: too sweet huckleberry vinaigrette; oat milk Sight: Wilbur the pig; a meteor; fog, a lone a gas station on a winding road; Sasquatch; a bright orange mushroom; a deer on a bridge Sound:  Cher; whining Smell:  champagne-scented soap Touch:  stiff hands, swollen toes Extra: Go forth and get rained upon!; like a lost story that won't be forgotten and teases the mind with half-rememberedness.; a mean girl; assumptions: "Now I know, as I didn’t then, that emotion is itself a kind of talent not everyone has. A form of intelligence, perhaps—though not much valued by any culture I know of." — Carolyn Ives Gilman, Halfway Human   Grateful for: edible flowers; imagination

Sensorium Tuesday: Awake on the Waterfront

Taste: lemon basil butter; dates stuffed with blue cheese and wrapped in vegan prosciutto Sight:  the ocean; a dog's tail that looks like a mountain lion's; cat in a bowl Sound: ocean waves Smell: creosote Touch: sea breeze Extra:  trying the new restaurant on opening weekend; a child's lost shoe Grateful for: days off with Sam