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Showing posts from August, 2018

Sensorium Friday: Dog, Porgs, Love

Taste:  white rice, gold potatoes, tempeh bacon Sight:  red sun rising into August's smoke-filled skies Sound:  barking, howling, whining, snarling, growling Smell:  peanut butter; smoke Touch:  sticky Extra: "Elizabeth was still in the hands of vicious men, but with a dog, there was love. With love there was hope. Hope was strength." — Nevada Barr, Destroyer Angel Grateful for: dogs, change, forests, hope, optimism, porgs, sleepovers, memento mori

Sensorium Thursday: Adopt Don't Shop

Taste: fizzy lime water Sight:  porgs, as far as the eye can see; a smoke red sun Sound:  sizzling Smell: grocery store fried chicken in the stifling summer heat Touch: running in the summer heat; a stiff new pair of high-top sneakers Extra: "The best way to be superhuman is to do things that you love with other people who love them, too." — Cory Doctorow, Walkaway    "If we choose to bring a dog into our homes and hearts, we are obligated to do all we can to give them the best life possible..." Marc Bekoff, Canine Confidential  Grateful for: dogs