But shouldn't the planet be above? Taste: salt Sight: yellow, white, purple magnolias; cherry blossoms; a vintage yellow convertible speeds down the street the woman in the passengers seat has deep purple hair; cherry blossom petals windblown falling like snow; from her perch on the window sill her tail hangs down Sound: laughter; a dog's snore Smell: lilac Touch: summer camping air morning beneath the evergreens, dusty, cool but warming and growing hot Extra: In which, I have all the sweet and fancy ingredients on hand to make the decadent treat for a friend: chocolate, turmeric, cinnamon, almond milk creme liqueur; in which, my friend comes up with a secret plan to end the war; in which, she betrays everything; in which, we lose two lives; in which, hate continues to win Grateful for: those who make an effort
A reader, writer and thinker's journal.