This is not true. And if it were, that headline would read: Why I Only Read Science Fiction and by Women Authors. However, I don't only read science fiction. I read a lot of science fiction, but not exclusively. But recently, I was wrapping up a conversation with my mom and as usual I had to tell her about what I was reading ( The Book of the Unnamed Midwife ). Afterwards, she asked, "Do you only read science fiction?" It's not the first time she's asked/said something like this and I always hear it as criticism. "No, Moooom," I replied using a tone of voice that should have been abandoned in my teen years, but which resurrects zombie-style whenever I am talking to my mom about certain triggering subjects. "I don't only read science fiction." Then, as usual, I wracked my brain to come up with a book that I had recently read that wasn't science fiction. This time it was easy, The Art of Starving by Sam J. Miller is a YA LGBT no...
A reader, writer and thinker's journal.