Taste: raspberries Sight: turquoise water with pale green reflection, shimmer Sound: a poetry playlist ; the higher pitch of her plaintive bark; soda can crack, fizzles Smell: Oil of Abramelin, a ceremonial magic oil blended from aromatic plant materials as described in a medieval grimoire Touch: waterfall; her tense body, her twitching tail; she lays beside the resting foot quiet until it shifts, she gnaws it Extra: kakistocracy: a state or country run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens viriditas: the spiritually invigorating power of (divine) nature; 'truth of greenness' ?: there needs to be a special word for writerly persistence obmutescence: the usually stubborn or willful act of becoming mute or silent pinnajarqviit: humbling, sacred places in the landscape where all are welcome jookalorum and zizzaparoola: extraordinary exclamations via O. Henry "If your daily life seems of no account, don't blame it; blame yours...
A reader, writer and thinker's journal.