A writer's journal is not the same as a gratitude journal. What's stands out, is striking, begs to be remembered, catches one's fancy is often positive, but not always. Certainly, though, when I look back on the year and select the "best of" there's a tendency to pick the nicer moments, images, sounds and smells. So this year, I've decided to do a "worst of" post - maybe it will become a tradition. Coincidentally, it was a rather rough year so there were many standout "worst" moments to choose from. However, the "worst of" post is not inspired by hard times, rather by a really lovely poem. When I heard Molly Tenebaum read "Ode to the Ugly Colors," at the AWP Conference is Seattle, I noted how she made something wonderful out of keen observation of less appealing features (her entire collection The Cupboard Artist makes the every day delightful). At first, I thought of adding a "worst of" section to ...
A reader, writer and thinker's journal.