The Sleeping Gypsy (1897) by French artist Henri Rosseau. Purchased yesterday and on their way via Amazon, new copies of The Snow Leopard and The Cloud Forest ! Cucumber pilgrimages devoured, by flocks of night gypsies and unread books Snow leopard taste: cucumbers and guavas At home: Elysian Night Owl Pumpkin Ale , cloves Snow leopard sight: sun in the wings of dragonflies , an enigmatic smile At home: The Sleeping Gypsy , La Bohémienne endormie , 1897 oil painting by Rousseau Snow leopard sound: shrill of a single cicada, as fierce as a sword blade shrieking on a lathe At home: the shrill of the morning tea kettle Snow leopard touch: crisp air , dripping trees Snow leopard smell: orchids Snow leopard word of the day: gnaskor, "going around places," pilgrimages Snow leopard notable: "In 1950, the westernmost summit, known as Annapurna One became the first peak of 25,000 feet or more that man had climbed." Snow leopard extra: mysterium tremendum ; Kali t...
A reader, writer and thinker's journal.