T. Colin Campbell's earlier book The China Study (2006) was a distressing, technical read with chapter after chapter filled with research on dread diseases including heart disease and cancer. But it had an uplifting note: a solution! "Good food and good health is simple," Campbell said. A whole foods, plant-based diet staves off heart disease and cancer — diseases that are not inevitable, but can be prevented, even treated, by eating only healthy foods. The China Study Cookbook (2013) the "official companion to The China Study " by LeAnne Campbell, PhD (T. Colin Campbell's daughter) is filled with recipes to prepare life-giving foods accompanied by beautiful photos (by Steven Campbell Disla). The focus of Whole (2013) is neither the silver lining nor the yummy foods although it is reiterated — "There is no healthier way to eat than a whole food, plant-based diet, without added fat, salt or refined carbohydrates." In Whole , Campbell e...
A reader, writer and thinker's journal.