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Showing posts from May, 2013

Review: Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition

T. Colin Campbell's earlier book The China Study (2006) was a distressing, technical read with chapter after chapter filled with research on dread diseases including heart disease and cancer. But it had an uplifting note: a solution! "Good food and good health is simple," Campbell said. A whole foods, plant-based diet staves off heart disease and cancer — diseases that are not inevitable, but can be prevented, even treated, by eating only healthy foods.   The China Study Cookbook (2013) the "official companion to The China Study " by LeAnne Campbell, PhD (T. Colin Campbell's daughter) is filled with recipes to prepare life-giving foods accompanied by beautiful photos (by Steven Campbell Disla). The focus of Whole (2013) is neither the silver lining nor the yummy foods although it is reiterated — "There is no healthier way to eat than a whole food, plant-based diet, without added fat, salt or refined carbohydrates." In Whole , Campbell e...

End Poverty! Review: Poor Economics and MITx The Challenges of Global Poverty

End poverty — an inspiring goal and, according to MIT economists Esther Duflo and Abhijit Banerjee , possible. Their excellent book Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty (2012) aims data and research at the ills of poverty (inadequate nutrition, education, health care) and examines the social policies aimed at addressing them. It considers microlending, credit, insurance and savings strategies for the poor. The professors offer a free, online class via MITx: The Challenges of Global Poverty which follows the organization of the book. Their website also serves as an excellent resource and includes a map of world poverty . In the conclusion to the spring quarter 2013 class, Professor Banerjee made the point that policy against poverty (organization beyond occasional handouts) is very modern. As such, "there is reason to be optimistic," that more informed research and development efforts aimed at eliminating poverty...

Review: phantom stories linger — Amputee and Five Ways to Fall in Love on Planet Porcelain

Long after my attention drifted from the page, the buzz and energy of Joyce Carol Oates' story "Amputee" from her collection Sourland Stories lingered. Then the word "amputee" became common in news articles following the Boston Marathon bombing. I kept thinking of legless Jane Erdley. "Amputee" had an unsatisfactory ending, and it stayed with me unfinished. Cat Rambo's " Five Ways to Fall in Love on Planet Porcelain " also would not completely detach. I was watching "The Great and Powerful Oz" in the movie theatre and I kept looking at that feisty little China Girl and thinking of Rambo's porcelain Tikka frozen in orgasm and severed. It added a dimension. At first, Planet Porcelain was a beautiful, enjoyable read. In time, it gained significance. Soak in these stories of erotic losses and fetishes, of love, fear and isolation.   Joyce Carol Oates: "Amputee" Jane Erdley meets her lover in the library where ...

A slim bud discarded, this rescued lily blossomed

Taste: cranberries and mint   Sight: pink and orange carrot juice, rhubarb juice, sweet potato juice; pregnant bellydancers; a yellow Hummer-a mother yells at her child in the back seat of the McDonalds drive-thru   Sound: Dance With Me , Volatile Times , IAMX   Touch: legs up the wall Smell: stargazer lily   Extra: in my dream, I bought socks Grateful for: walking

Pippin' was nippin'

Taste: roasted vegetables   Sight: carrot juice   Sound: Listening to "Walk With the Noise," Unified Field &; "Cold Red Light" Volatile Times  Touch: jumping   Smell: Sophie - Agarwood, Amber, Benzoin, Black Currant, Black Tea, Neroli Extra: infinity, roses, movement   Grateful for: every day, movement, juice!

Exhale jumping green-ginger breath

Taste: ginger   Sight: night sky spring green leaves; a white blue-eyed Persian sitting in front of white and purple lilies on a manicured lawn; a glass full of frothy beet and carrot juice   Sound: ujjayi breath, the ocean breath   Touch: legs up the wall   Smell: lilacs Extra: green hydrangeas   Grateful for: mom