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Showing posts from February, 2011

Weep, weep, weeping, we're all completely friends

Taste: walnuts, dried cranberries, romaine leaf with sesame-ginger dressing; rice pasta with sundried tomatoes, zucchini, olives, artichoke hearts; coconut ice cream and vegan, gluten free brownies; red wine — when friends cook dinner Sight: Mazama Pocket Gophers ; the wind farms of Western Washington Sound: Weeping music: "We All Complete," by Rachel Portman: " Never Let Me Go " soundtrack. Beautifully tragic film. Brilliant novel by Kazuo Ishiguro.; seagulls; cello played well vibrates beautifully played improperly sounds like a McDonald's bound cow or a slaughtering of seagulls, an old timing belt; an eagle peeps, trills, and chirrups Touch: dice rolls Smell: sage; apple boxes: cardboard and fruit juice Extra: "...yet see how elastic our stiff prejudices grow when love once comes to bend them."- Herman Melville, "Moby Dick"

Tangelo Dreams & Screams

Taste: lemon pepper avocado; tart tangelo Sight: yams, avocado, and bananas in a cherry-wood bowl Sound: Enya and Eddie Vedder singing a dream duet entitled "Friendless" Touch: tangelo spray, a greasing whiff Smell: tangelo; the man, he smells like Cinnabon Extra: ars moriendi - the art of dying; ars vivendi - the art of living; ars moriendi is ara vivendi (Sherwin Nuland's How We Die ); the terrible, heart-wrenching effort it takes to resist screaming "Alzheimer's!' at the kids smoking