Taste: cinnamon laced with cloves and topped with sugared walnuts; hazelnut cream, spiced cherry compote, a maple syrup drenched corn waffle; champagne cranberry-ginger — breakfast at Cafe Flora Touch: the soft brush of a cotton sleeve; thick, waxy leaves; dense, moist, warm air Sight: red peppers, green peppers, carrots, broccoli, coated in a green glistening mango-curry sauce; a sun-drenched brown bear , a jaguar wide-eyed in shadows, a platinum tree kangaroo , a sliver Great Horned owl , pink ruffled flamingos, a white Coscoroba swan , a night bat, the skeletal, prehistoric-shape of a giraffe's head, a tiger walks into vertical striped leaves; little girls coated in ice cream, rainbow lollipops and tears; a concrete cliff, a concrete pit, concrete dunes Smell: lavender Sound: the shushed, rustled, whisperings of a dark, enclosed space; a bird's trill like a wind-up toy; a baby boy cries Extra: a story about skaters; a story about Victorian gentlemen's clubs
A reader, writer and thinker's journal.