Taste: plum and honey, crushed plums squeezed into juice dripping into honey: mead with juice, a braggot Touch: a sweat drenched shirt Sight: faint pink, plum-stained light Smell: cherry blossoms Sound: "The church it was huge. It was like Costco."; a mantra of preventative medicine : "orange, okra, kiwi, red pepper, apple, cucumber, tomato, avocado, zucchini, blueberries, strawberries, green pepper, raspberries, butternut squash, pumpkin, blackberries, mangoes, eggplant, pear, watermelon, cranberries, acorn squash, papaya, grapefruit, peach" Extra: allowing synchronicity in, encountering the book the woman in the hospital waiting room says, "Will change your life."; the diet books and the nutrition books are kept on different shelves — Why do people talk so much about diet and so little about nutrition? Why do health care centers advertise heavily?
A reader, writer and thinker's journal.